Course description

Join the FIRST course that teaches ROS "Robot Operating system" بالعربى .

This course is designed to implement the simultaneous localization and mapping algorithms SLAM on a real low-cost mobile robot using raspberry pi, arduino, wheel encoders and kinect as a laser scanner.

This is a consistent and focused track that navigates you toward a single target "Implementing the complete development cycle from the basic concepts to the real implementation on low-cost hardware using top-notch robotics tools "

ROS "Robot Operating System " is the leading robotics framework that handles the most sophisticated robotics tasks. It offers the best tools and techniques to focus on the work that really matters and to save your time.

ROS is based on Linux/Ubuntu, but there is no need to be familiar with it as Linux introduction is included in this course.

This course techniques are not limited to mobile robots and SLAM only but also for the rest of the robotics application, mobile robot is just an example to get familiar with the complete development cycle through a project-based approach.

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    READY | Part 1 of 2 : Ubuntu installation and navigation

    • Introduction to READY Chapter

    • Download and setup the virtual machine

    • Configuring the virtual machine

    • Installing Ubuntu on the virtual machine

    • Ubuntu disk partitioning

    • Running Ubuntu on the virtual machine

    • Ubuntu file structure

    • Ubuntu Command line Interface CLI

    • Binary Installation

    • Source code installation

    • Quiz #1

  • 3

    READY | Part 2 of 2 : ROS installation and basic Definitions

    • ROS installation

    • Nodes

    • Topics

    • Messages

    • Services

    • Parameter Server

    • Bags

  • 4

    STEADY | Part 1 of 2 : Turtlesim training

  • 5

    STEADY | Part 2 of 2 : Package creation

  • 6

    GO | Part 1 of 5 : Robot Description and Visualization

    • Go section

    • Section roadmap

    • Describing your "non-holonomic" robot

    • Difference between simulation and visualization

    • Description-package structure

    • Creating mybot_description package

    • URDF intro

    • Robot links example

    • Robot joints example and summary

    • The origin tag

    • Project introduction

    • Robot chassis link description

    • Caster wheel description

    • Robot wheels link description

    • Kinect link

    • Getting mesh files and other models to URDF

    • What is xacro files ?

    • The whole URDF file

    • Mix all in a launch file

    • Running RViz

  • 7

    GO | Part 2 of 5 : Simulation Using Gazebo

  • 8

    GO | Part 3 of 5 : Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM

    • SLAM Problem definition

    • SLAM Solution Algorithm

    • Feature based vs grid based maps

    • From point cloud to laser scans

    • SLAM package creatin and map building

    • Map saving

  • 9

    GO | Part 4 of 5 : Hardware implementation 1

    • Hardware schematic part 1

    • Hardware Schematic part 2

    • Robot structure philosophy

    • The real hardware structure

    • Connecting two ROS machines seamlessly

    • ROS on RaspberryPI tips

    • Kinect hardware driver for ROS

    • Running Kinect in a real environment

    • Differential drive robot kinematics

    • Writing Arduino node

    • "rosserial" package

  • 10

    GO | Part 5 of 5 : Hardware implementation 2

    • Odometry publisher package introduction

    • Odometry calculation from wheel encoders

    • Odometry publisher package creation

    • Odometry publisher node writing

    • Building and running the odometry publisher

    • Putting all together

    • The end

    • Recap Quiz


Senior Robotics Engineer

Muhammad Asem

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